Old principles. New thinking.
Air Multiplier™ technology.
Air is drawn in by the impeller, and passes over a 5° airfoil-shaped ramp – with the Bernoulli principle creating an area of low pressure. This induces air behind the fan, whilst surrounding air follows the airflow in a process known as entrainment – multiplying the initial airflow by as much as 15 times.

Jet Focus control.
In focused mode, warm air is powerfully accelerated from the rear aperture, where it's channelled into a long-range jet of heat. Building on the principles of fluidics, first discovered in the 1960s, this powerful jet is deflected by a second jet, striking it at precisely the right angle. This guides the airflow over a wider angle, evenly heating a whole room.

Positive temperature coefficient ceramic plates.
Using a similar technology to cooling channels on jet engines, ceramic plates within the loop amplifier heat the airflow, whilst siphoning off a small amount of cool air. This cool air is circulated between the plates and the thermoplastic, creating a buffer to keep the surfaces of the fan heater cool to touch. The ceramic plates warm up to a self-regulating 180°C – below the burning point of dust.